Lebanon is the land of a sort of beauty that is unique , combining green scenes and crystal blue waters in such a shape that is really as fascinating as ever . This is felt wherever one moves about , and whatever the thing that one pauses to enjoy taking a look at it . Whether the thing that reflects its blazing shadow on your sight is a snow-capped mountain , or a green towering hill , or a dreaming coast , or a temple that bespeaks the glorious past of this , or any other monument that personifies the conqueror who tried once to sweep the land , you cannot escape that delightful feeling of acquaintance already established between you and the great sons of nature inhabiting this lovely land , plus nourishing . Once here one feels always fine , never sick or tired or bored . Breeze , fresh air , and fresh hygienic water all the year around .
General Information :
The best season for travel to Lebanon , the answer is simple : any season , as
Lebanon enjoys a varied climate , making it possible to find pleasant weather somewhere in the country at anytime during the year .
Lebanon is known as the all-year-round resort of the Middle East , equally popular for winter sports or summer vacations .
Geography :
Lebanon lies on the east coast of the Mediterranean . It is one of the small independent countries of the world with an area of approximately
4.000 square miles . Its mountains range from North to South , parallel to the shores of the Mediterranean . Its aspect is a panorama of contrast between the coast , the mountain and the plain .
History :
Lebanon is the Phoenicia of ancient times which was the cradle of civilization and the commercial center of the world . The most famous Phoenician cities are : Tyre , Sidon , Beirut , and Byblos .
Since the Phoenician era , 5.000 years ago , the history of Lebanon has been associated to the history of the Great Empire of the Greeks , the Romans , the Byzantines , the Omayades , the Abbissides , the Ottomans and the French .
Language :
Lebanon offers an example of a mixture of races . Besides the officials Arabic language of the country , French and English are fluently spoken by a great majority .
Population :
Its population is approximately 3.600.000. The capital , Beirut has alone
1.200.000 inhabitants . Besides , we should also consider the fact that
4.250.000 are emigrants in the two Americas , Australia and Africa .
Government :
Lebanon is a constitutional , democratic and parliamentarian Republic . The powers are separate . The legislative is entrusted to Parliament which is composed of
128 deputies who are elected for a period of
4 years by general elections .
Administratively , Lebanon is divided into 5 governorates which are : Beirut , the Capital , Baabda , Capital of mount
Lebanon . Saida , capital of South Lebanon . Tripoli , Capital of North Lebanon . Zahle , Capital of the Beka'a .
Lebanese Hospitality :
As we are already aware , The hospitality in the Orient is proverbial ; however , in
Lebanon , it is in the heart of every Lebanese and constitutes the main force of its inhabitants .
Education and Instruction :
The Lebanese authors have not only been the pioneers of the cultural renaissance of the Modern Arabic Language but have participated in the cultural movement of the English and French Languages .
Passport and Visa :
Every foreigner who wishes to visit Lebanon must be in possession of :
1. A valid passport issued by his respective country .
2. A Lebanese visa issued by a Lebanese Consulate abroad .
Exchange Formalities :
The Lebanese currency is the Lebanese Pound . The rates of exchange are quoted in daily newspapers . Tourists are allowed to bring in and take out unlimited amounts of foreign exchange , traveler cheques , personal cheques , letters of credits .
Climate and clothing :
In Lebanon the temperature varies from 7 C to
35 C , but in general the average is
30 C in Summer and 15 C in Winter .
Electric Current :
The electric current in Beirut is 110 volts A.C.
50 cycles . A transformer is necessary for apparatus of
220 volts . In the mountains is 220 volts . ( It is best to check ) .
Sports :
The situation of Lebanon with its various altitudes and temperatures allows most of the sports the whole year round . It is therefore an ideal country for sportsmen .